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When Time Seems Like its Not On Your Side- You'll be surprised of the Solution!

The most overwhelming feeling of all time is a growing to-do list and not a moment to spare to get it done.

Of course, you can also call The Demestik Agency where we can pick up the kids from school, help with homework, clean and run errands!

But while that take care of the home, I learned that there needs to be a coping mechanism for your own well being.

I was thinking of a long massage session, a favorite entree at a resturant or an overdue shopping spree but it wasn't until I took a simple stroll through the park and found it to be most relieving!

No counting steps and turning it into a work-out session, but just simple walk at your own pace and mediating.

My walk in a beautiful park was freeing and I actually felt guilty of not engaging in some deep mental thought, Studies have proved walking to reduce your risk of dying at a young age and it is well known that intense exercise can help you get fitter! A new study has found that a little exercise can still go a long way.

So put on your sneakers and let's go! Smell the fresh air and free your mind with a walk. I promise, with this unforseen simple act, you will be able to feel a sense of calmness before you deal with your to do list in your own time.

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